There is a good chance that you as a {LAB} member have been to one of our famous Boot Camps. You probably have never had a chance to look behind the curtain and see what we do to set everything up. So, here is a look behind the scenes at Limo U’s February Boot Camp.
It all started before the last Boot Camp in December. We launched the sales page with some specific topics and we watched as you guys started to fill up the seats. We ran through the December boot camp and did a post mortem on the event to make changes for the February Boot Camp. One major change was the day structure. We wanted to make VIP more valuable so we switched it over to Wednesday. With VIP on a Wednesday it would allow deeper and more meaningful questions about the content we presented.
We also wanted to change the way we presented the content. This Boot Camp would have a theme that we would start with video and cary into the presentation and even room decoration.
As Bill and Daniel were putting the...